Life Jacket Laws for Paddle Boarding by State (Alphabetical Order)
Key Highlights:
Life Jacket Laws: Most states require life jackets for paddle boarders, especially for children under a certain age (usually 13).
Extra Restrictions: Some states have additional rules for specific bodies of water, such as lakes, rivers, or coastal areas.
US Territories: Life jacket laws in US territories generally follow similar guidelines to mainland states.
Enforcement: Penalties for non-compliance can include fines or other legal consequences.
The information provided in this article regarding life jacket laws for paddle boarding is accurate to the best of our knowledge at the time of writing. However, laws and regulations are subject to change, and this article does not include every body of water's specific rules or extra regulations (e.g., Causey Reservoir in Utah). It is the reader's responsibility to verify the current laws and any special regulations for the specific body of water they plan to use. Always check with local authorities, state agencies, or official resources to ensure compliance with the most up-to-date requirements. Safety on the water is paramount, and staying informed is key to a safe and enjoyable experience.
General Law: Life jackets must be available for each person on the paddle board. Children under 8 must wear a life jacket at all times.
Extra Restrictions: On the Tennessee River, additional safety equipment like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Alabama Marine Police
General Law: Life jackets are required for all paddle boarders, regardless of age.
Extra Restrictions: In glacial waters, a dry suit or wet suit is also recommended.
Official State Law: Alaska Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets must be on board for each person. Children under 12 must wear them at all times.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Powell, additional safety gear like a sound-producing device is required.
Official State Law: Arizona Game and Fish Department
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Buffalo National River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Arkansas Game and Fish Commission
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: In San Francisco Bay, additional safety gear like a leash is recommended.
Official State Law: California Division of Boating and Waterways
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Colorado River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Colorado Parks and Wildlife
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Connecticut River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Connecticut Department of Energy and Environmental Protection
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: In the Delaware Bay, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Delaware Division of Fish and Wildlife
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 6. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: In the Florida Keys, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 10. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Lanier, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Georgia Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: In Waikiki, additional safety gear like a leash is recommended.
Official State Law: Hawaii Division of Boating and Ocean Recreation
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 14. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Snake River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Idaho Department of Parks and Recreation
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Michigan, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Illinois Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Ohio River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Indiana Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Mississippi River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Iowa Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On Tuttle Creek Lake, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Kansas Department of Wildlife, Parks and Tourism
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Kentucky River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Kentucky Department of Fish and Wildlife Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 16. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: In the Atchafalaya Basin, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Louisiana Department of Wildlife and Fisheries
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 10. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Allagash Wilderness Waterway, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Maine Department of Inland Fisheries and Wildlife
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 7. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Chesapeake Bay, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Maryland Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Charles River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Massachusetts Environmental Police
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 6. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Great Lakes, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Michigan Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 10. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Boundary Waters, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Minnesota Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Mississippi River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Mississippi Department of Wildlife, Fisheries, and Parks
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 7. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Missouri River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Missouri Department of Conservation
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Yellowstone River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Montana Fish, Wildlife & Parks
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Platte River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Mead, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Nevada Department of Wildlife
New Hampshire
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Winnipesaukee, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: New Hampshire Marine Patrol
New Jersey
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Delaware River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: New Jersey State Police Marine Services Bureau
New Mexico
General Law:
Children under 13 must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket while the vessel is underway, unless they are below deck or in an enclosed cabin.
All vessels must have at least one U.S. Coast Guard-approved wearable life jacket for each person on board.
Extra Restrictions:
Every person boating on a river must wear a U.S. Coast Guard-approved life jacket.
Operators of kayaks or canoes must have a sound-producing device (e.g., whistle or horn) on board.
Official State Law: New Mexico State Parks
New York
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Hudson River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: New York State Parks, Recreation & Historic Preservation
North Carolina
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Outer Banks, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission
North Dakota
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 10. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Missouri River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: North Dakota Game and Fish Department
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 10. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Erie, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Ohio Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Arkansas River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Oklahoma Tourism and Recreation Department
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Columbia River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Oregon State Marine Board
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Delaware River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Pennsylvania Fish and Boat Commission
Rhode Island
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Narragansett Bay, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management
South Carolina
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Murray, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: South Carolina Department of Natural Resources
South Dakota
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 7. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Missouri River, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: South Dakota Game, Fish and Parks
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Tennessee River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Tennessee Wildlife Resources Agency
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Travis, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Texas Parks and Wildlife
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Colorado River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Utah State Parks
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Champlain, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Vermont Department of Fish and Wildlife
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the James River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Virginia Department of Wildlife Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Puget Sound, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Washington State Parks
West Virginia
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the New River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: West Virginia Division of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On Lake Michigan, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Snake River, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: Wyoming Game and Fish Department
US Territories
Puerto Rico
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Caribbean Sea, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Puerto Rico Department of Natural and Environmental Resources
US Virgin Islands
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the Atlantic Ocean, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: US Virgin Islands Department of Planning and Natural Resources
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Pacific Ocean, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Guam Department of Agriculture
American Samoa
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 13. Adults must have one accessible.
Extra Restrictions: On the South Pacific Ocean, life jackets are mandatory for all ages.
Official State Law: American Samoa Department of Marine and Wildlife Resources
Northern Mariana Islands
General Law: Life jackets are required for children under 12. Adults must have one on board.
Extra Restrictions: On the Pacific Ocean, additional safety gear like a whistle is required.
Official State Law: Northern Mariana Islands Division of Fish and Wildlife